Sunday, November 14, 2010

Vending in Newport Beach!

LOVE CLOTHING is happy to announce that we will be vending at The Inspired Buyer 2010. The Inspired Buyer is a one-day sustainable shopping event showcasing the finest environmentally and socially conscious businesses in the region. Geared specifically for the upcoming holiday season, the event will also include leading experts as they demonstrate to attendees how they can personally create, design, and/or cook their own eco-friendly holiday gifts. Taking place at the Environmental Nature Center in Newport Beach, complimentary guided tours will be given throughout the day, along with childrens activities and live music, and healthy food and drinks available for purchase. The entire event will be run off of solarpower and is free to attend.

Produced by, The Inspired Buyer event benefits the nonprofit organization’s environmental education programs for high school and university students,as well as businesses. The mission of is simple: to bring structure and clarity to the sustainability movement, so that we can help empower and inspire people to make lifestyle choices, seek opportunities, and use their influence in ways that positively impact our world. The organization is committed to fostering a non-political movement that strives to find common ground between people from all walks of life.

Come on out and join us in supporting this amazing event! We'd LOVE to have you there!

1601 16th Street
Newport Beach, CA.
Sunday November 21st - 11:00 - 5:00pm

A special thanks to Jesse & Chrissy for bringing the community together to raise awareness and for supporting the local artists! LOVE CLOTHING is honored to be included!

~Connect, Create, Sustain~

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